An ADR Program Development Company

Special Education Advocacy
Effective advocacy for special needs children requires special knowledge and skill. Many advocates find themselves in trouble, sometimes having their engagements terminated, because they are not aware of the need for skills beyond simply arguing about the provisions of IDEA (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,) or they have not had proper or sufficient training.
Successful advocacy in Special Education cases requires more than knowledge about IDEA. It requires strong listening skills, strong quotients of emotional and social intelligence, creative and critial thinking and more. Become an effective advocate for children with special education needs. More than a course, it is a meaningful and rewarding journey.
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Special Education Advocacy Course Curriculum
Day 1 [Sessions 1 & 2]
Law & Procedure
Starting with an understanding of what Special Education Advocacy is and isn’t, participants will learn the history of special education and the current rules and regulations mandated by federal law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Participants will spend time diving into both federal and state law, as well as the procedures established in order for a child to be eligible for special education services.
Day 2 [Sessions 3 & 4]
Essential Skills & Application
Participants learn the essential skills and fundamental principles of highly effective advocates, and how to be an active participant within the Individualized Education Plan committee. An in-depth review of special education services, conflict resolution skills, and data collection methods are reviewed in this section of the course. How to get started as a practicing Advocate for Children with Special Needs is discussed.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this program participants will be able to:
Define what special education is and the role of a special education advocate
Understand and reference both federal and state law as it pertains to special education
List the 13 areas of eligibility for special education services
Provide guidance and understanding of the special education process to parents and guardians of
children with disabilities
Collect useful data to help drive recommendations and decisions for the child’s success
Become an active and vital participant in Individualized Educational Plan meetings
Guide families and school personnel in the creation of effective educational plans that are unique to each child
Assist families and school personnel in resolving deadlocks and disagreements through conciliation, empathy, and cooperation
Ensure all components within an IEP meeting are adequately and thoughtfully addressed
Consider various elements that make up a thorough special education evaluation
Support and assist discipline procedures for children with disabilities
Make parents and guardians aware of alternative complaint options in the event an agreement is not reached
Utilize techniques and skills to minimize or avoid conflict amongst families and school personnel
Utilize various resources in order to stay up to date with the law and effective interventions used for children with special needs
Describe and implement ethical practices recommended when working with children with disabilities and their families
Effectively advocate for children with special needs and their families so that they may receive a meaningful education
Included with Tuition

The tax-deductible tuition for this program is only $695 for two full, comprehensive days of training. Tuition includes all necessary class materials as well as resources for working with students and school districts after course completion, including:
A Professional Special Education Advocate Certificate
Resources and tools for handling cases
Forms, templates, and a business model for either incorporating services into an existing practice or establishing new connections in school districts
Continuing Education Credits
This program is approved for 16 Continuing Education Credits for psychologists and other mental health professionals and pending approval for Continuing Legal Education Credits for attorneys.
In order to receive credit you must attend all sessions in their entirety. In cases of emergencies, it may be possible to make up assignments to satisfy attendance requirements.